Monthly Archives: March 2022

Fare Changes – 1st April 2022

From `1st April 2022, there will be a slight rise in both airport journey fares and local journey fares. 

A detailed PDF with airport fares will be available in the coming days. Local fare details will be available from the bus driver. 

Please note that a 10 journey ticket will increase from £20.00 to £25.00 (equating to £2.50 per journey). 


Changes to Fares- 1st April 2022

From `1st April 2022, there will be a slight rise in both airport journey fares and local journey fares. 

A detailed PDF with airport fares will be available in the coming days. Local fare details will be available from the bus driver. 

Please note that a 10 journey ticket will increase from £20.00 to £25.00 (equating to £2.50 per journey). 


Diversion- Bath Hill closed- 7th March 2022

Bath Hill and Temple Street will be shut to all traffic from 7th March 2022 for 3 nights, between 19:00hrs and 07:00hrs. During this period, the A4 service will divert as follows: 

Bath to Airport- At Ellsbridge House the A4 will divert along Keynsham By Pass to Hicks Gate, and re-Keynsham to serve Keynsham Church. We will be unable to serve Unity Road, The Talbot, Keynsham Memorial Park and Ashton Way 

Airport to Bath- Normal route until Keynsham Church. Service will then divert back out of Keynsham and travel via Keynsham By Pass rejoining the normal route at Ellsbridge House. We will be unable to serve Ashton Way, Keynsham Memorial Park, The Talbot and Unity Road.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Road Closure- Rock Road- 21st March 2022

Rock Road, Keynsham will be closed to all traffic from 21st March for approximately 3 weeks. During this time the service will divert as follows:

Bath to Airport- Normal route from Bath to Keynsham Memorial Park at which the service will divert via Temple Street, Albert Road, Queens Road, Charlton Park, Charlton Road and the High Street where the A4 will resume normal route. We will be unable to serve Ashton Way bus stop- Bath to Airport direction only. 

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.