Monthly Archives: October 2015

Bath Fireworks Display 7th November 2015 – Road Closures

The annual Bath Fireworks Display is expected to bigger and better than ever, drawing thousands of people into the city centre!

Due to the size and scale of the event, there will be several road closures which will impact on the Air Decker service. From 17:30, High Street, Bridge Street, Grand Parade and Terrace Walk will be closed. Therefore we will be unable to serve Terrace Walk bus stop between 17:30-20:30 inclusive.

From 19:00 onwards, Pierrepont Street, Manvers Street and Dorchester Street will be closed so we will be unable to serve our usual departure/ terminus. The Air Decker will enter the bus station  and serve the first bus stop in the lay-by outside the station.

For further information on how this may affect your journey please contact 01225 330 444

Beth gets early birthday surprise from Air Decker!

Beth C. is one of the Air Decker’s regular service users, but her journey this morning took an unexpected turn…

As she boarded the bus at her usual stop, she was greeted by long-standing driver Pauline Southway and Victoria Annett, Head of Marketing for Bath Bus Company, to wish her a very happy 21st birthday!

Bath Bus Company were contacted by Beth’s mum on 8th October 2015 who explained that her daughter uses the A4 service every day to travel to and from work, and would we be able to display a poster of her as a baby as part of the birthday celebrations. Posters were produced in-house and displayed in the windows of the bus and next to the drivers cab to ensure that Beth saw them as she boarded. But the surprise didn’t end there!

When it was time for Beth to alight the bus, Pauline Southway made an announcement over the driver microphone to let passengers know it was a special day- everyone cheered and shared in the birthday greetings.

Beth was both highly embarrassed but pleased at the efforts everyone had gone to. She said “I use this bus twice a day, five days a week. I like the service.The drivers are always so friendly and greet me with a smile”.

Victoria Annett, Head of Marketing said “When Beth’s mum contacted us and asked if we would be involved in celebrating her birthday, we were only to pleased to help. We like to go that extra mile for our passengers and pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service. Happy Birthday Beth!”.IMG_23752