Monthly Archives: February 2022

Service Update – Diversion- 18th February

The A4 Air Decker is continuing to operate at present. In addition to the current diversion in Keynsham, we have just received reports of a fallen tree near Saltford Rugby Club which is now blocking the road. Therefore the service will be diverted as follows: 

Bath to Airport- Service will run the normal route as far as The Globe. It will then divert passed Bath Spa University and up to the Two Headed Man junction where it will head through Burnett and rejoin the route at The New Inn/ Talbot. Existing diversion on previous service update for passengers in Keynsham then applies before reaching Hicks Gate and resuming normal route

Airport to Bath – Service diversion for Keynsham applies. On serving Keynsham the bus will divert out through Burnett to the Two Headed Man junction, turn left onto the A39, and rejoin the route into Bath at The Globe roundabout.#

We are unable to serve all stops through Saltford until the road has cleared and it is safe to do so. We will update this post accordingly. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Service Update – 18th February 2022

Due to a fallen tree in Keynsham, the road leading down from the rugby club towards Hicks Gate roundabout has been closed by the police in both directions. The A4 is still operating but diverted as follows:

Bath to Airport- A4 will enter Keynsham and serve Unity Road, The Talbot, Keynsham Memorial Park, Ashton Way, Keynsham Church (bus stop outside the church). It will then travel down the High Street exiting Keynsham, travel along the by pass and rejoin the normal route at Hicks Gate.

Airport to Bath- At Hicks Gate the A4 will divert along the by pass, entering Keynsham at Elsbridge House roundabout. It will then serve the same stops as listed above before heading out of Keynsham through Saltford on the normal route.

We are not able to serve Keynsham Rugby Club or Keynsham Cemetery in both directions until further notice. We will update this as the situation progresses.

Service Update- 17th-18th February 2022

We are aware of the severe weather warning that comes into place for Friday 18th February 2022. At present we are continuing to operate the A4 Air Decker so long as it is safe to do so. We will be monitoring the situation closely. Should this change, we will update our website and social media accordingly. 

The service may be slower than usual so please allow plenty of time to reach your end destination and keep checking for the most up to date information.